Fiat Lux 13
Uncategorized, Wisdom / No Comments / October 24, 2014
Thoughts, Our Responsibility, Our Power
We are given very little, it seems, in things in life we completely control. Our hearts seem to have minds of their own, the other people in our life feel what they will seemingly affected, but in no way controlled by us. The weather, our finances, our family, to one extent or another our health, all seem out of our control. What we can control is our thoughts, at first that can feel like a small thing in a big world, but it turns out that it is enough to totally shape our experience of life. So let us resolve to respect the thoughts we choose as the world makers that they are.
Fiat Lux – 12 Serendipity
Wisdom / No Comments / October 6, 2014Serendipity is luck that we make
I choose to believe that there is a reason for everything that happens. That doesn’t mean that it is easy to understand or accept, just that in the end the purpose will be clear. With that in mind there are connections between the events in our lives that, if we are aware enough to see them, can lead us to decisions which are in flow with the Universe whether they seem logical or not. These moments feel and in many ways are magic.
Fiat Lux 11 – Autumn
Art, Wisdom / No Comments / September 22, 2014The seasons of life Spiral on and Autumn catches us again
The Teachers that I have read and known talk about using Death as an adviser. If we take time to realize that there are ends and new beginning we start to be able to place things in the proper perspective in life. Autumn reminds us that there are things that pass away, that when we get close to death we more forcefully perceive life.
Fiat Lux 10 – Perception
Wisdom / No Comments / September 15, 2014
The wonder of the world is that it consists of an infinite number of disparate perceptions that we all live with whether we choose them or others do, but in the end we can only see through our own eyes and tell our own stories about what it is we believe we see. You choose the stories you tell and therefore the world that you and those around you live in. You are responsible for that. So, what story do you choose?
Fiat Lux 9 – Prosperity
Art, Wisdom / No Comments / September 8, 2014Fiat Lux 8 – Success
Wisdom / No Comments / August 26, 2014
Success isn’t success if it’s mine alone
Too often we think of success in terms of a winner and a loser, the truth is that real success keeps in mind the hard to remember truth that we are all interdependent. If I see loss or cause loss in another that has a direct effect on me. If I rejoice in another’s loss I rejoice in loss itself.