Tag : art

Headboy and Mr. Moon – 14 Health Food
BlogWhat is Healthy Eating in the land of Headboy and Mr. Moon Mr. Moon is up to some do-gooderism, but…

Headboy and Mr. Moon – 11 Fairy Tales
BlogThe first Headboy and Mr. Moon that has never been published before As you may or may not know I had…

Fiat Lux – 12 Serendipity
BlogSerendipity is luck that we make I choose to believe that there is a reason for everything that happens. That…

Headboy and Mr. Moon 10 – Hateful Thoughts
BlogHeadboy and Mr. Moon Make it to Strip 10! Headboy looks for answers and finds some, while T. Stone sets…

Fiat Lux 11 – Autumn
BlogThe seasons of life Spiral on and Autumn catches us again The Teachers that I have read and known talk…

Awesome word of the day – Tarn
BlogTarns are fantastic: Thank you fantasy novels I love Forgotten Realms fantasy novels, mostly because of R. A. Salvatore and…

Fiat Lux 9 – Prosperity
BlogImagine the feeling of not wanting I fight to be able to choose to see the world in my own…

Coffee: Mixed-media and Quotes
BlogIt’s both inspiration and helps with the work itself, it’s Coffee! My latest mixed-media painting is complete. It’s a bit…
Fiat Lux 7
BlogWonder Like a child seeing something magical, no fear, no regrets, no limits to what can be; if we…

The Demands of Rumpelstiltskin
BlogThe hay has been turned to gold now the queen must pay It started with a girl trapped by the lies…