A Tree on A Mountain Acrylic Paints

A Tree on a Mountain series

Tree in the Red Sun RF A

Lady's Tree ATree in the Silver Moon RF A cropTree in the Blue Moon RF A


Tree On a Mountain
I was single when I created the first of these and I think there is a lot of my own self-perception in them. The mountain and the tree are individual they stand silently, but there is a nobility in nature that comes through in them. I wanted to capture a strangeness and sometimes imperceptible connection between the tree and the moon. Like they knew each other once and hope to again, but not yet. The colors and the textures of each give a sense of depth that is otherwise only implied by the silhouette. The orbs in the back, whether suns or moons or, for the more creatively inclined, other planets are distant, but familiar. I wanted to capture a strangeness and sometimes imperceptible connection between the tree and the moon. Like they knew each other once and hope to again, but not yet. The teal tree facing left was for my Lady when we found each other, with respect to the individual path she had taken and her own nobility and in some sense loneliness that I saw. As we had grown in life we had grown towards each other.
These are painted on 12x16 inch artists boards with a find pumice gel for the texture and acrylic paints.


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