Night Bridge 1
Art, Painting / No Comments / April 21, 2014

I’m starting a series that will walk readers through a painting that I am going to be working on. I won’t show every step, but I want to at least give a feeling for what doing a painting is like for me. In this particular case I have a very distinct idea and even have a title for the piece before I begin. The title is Night Bridge and it is a painting that will be able to stand on it’s own, but was inspired by this scene from my bed room at the Eagle’s Nest:


The Two Trees:



This is Lady and I’s trees




The beginning of Night Bridge:

I want to bridge the two trees incorporating the colors and the mountains from the original works.  So first I drew in the mountains with a light pencil, then used a pallet knife and textured the mountains in with a fine pumice gel.



between the tress 1

Night Bridge 1: The first step was adding the texture to to the canvas


I’m quite happy with how the texturing has turned out and am excited about the next steps:)

As the process continues I’ll keep posting updates and reflection on the process.

May your creativity be ever at the ready,


#acrylic#night bridge#painting#red#step#texture


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